Bruck + Weckerle Architekten

Restoration of Park Collart in Steinfort

location Steinfort/Luxembourg
realisation 2017-2021
client Administration Communale de Steinfort
project team Françoise Bruck, Thomas Weckerle, Mathieu Oly
award Luxembourg Architecture Award 2019: Nomination
photographer Lukas Huneke, Mathieu Oly

The history of the villa and the Collart Park is closely linked to the economic boom of the municipality of Steinfort in the 19th and 20th centuries, which was carried out by the steel production and the brick and cement factory of the Collart brothers. Villa Collart was built in 1904 as a double villa and served as the residence of the then directors. It is situated on a large plot with a stream and an old tree population. The house and surrounding area were neglected and unkempt for decades. Now they are open to the public. Die Villa and the property represent a historically unique ensemble. In cooperation with the national preservation of historical monuments, the villa and the park were classified as a national monument and placed under protection.

The Park Collart

In order to upgrade the villa and link it to the adjacent quarters and the townhall, the plot was created as an English landscape garden. On the neighbouring plot, on the other side of the stream, there were paths that were freely laid out in the landscape. The theme has been taken up and further developed. A passerelle over the steam was built to connect the existing ones with new paths. The desired connection with the adjacent quarters and a connection of the Villa Collart with the town hall was thus made possible. The passerelle, as a filigree steel construction, strikes a gentle arch over the steam. The construction is derived from a previous bridge, which can be seen in historical photos. The passerelle was thougth as a Genius Loci. If you cross it, you will first discover the villa hidden behind trees. Arriving on the ground in front of the villa, it presents itself in full splendour.

Link: Restoration of the Villa Collart