Bruck + Weckerle Architekten

Redevelopment of the centre of Hesperange

location Hesperange/Luxembourg
realisation 2011-2014
client Administration Communale de Hesperange
project team Françoise Bruck, Thomas Weckerle, Véronique Schneider
award Prix luxembourgeois d’architecture 2015: Lauréat, Kategorie "Architecture paysagère & espaces extérieurs" // Concours Construction Acier 2015: Prix architecture - ouvrage d’art
photographer Lukas Roth, Laurent Blum

The creation of a new town centre, drawn from the individual topographic features of Hesperange, was made possible through the integrated planning of open landscape, urban space and traffic flow.

With precise interventions, the scenic and urban qualities were highlighted and networked for pedestrians and cyclists with paths, a passerelle and the bridge.

The new bridge connects the church square with the district on the other side of the river Alzette as a “floating place above the Alzette”. The orthotropic plate made of steel only draws a fine line into the landscape. A bicycle path leads under the bridge into the park of Hesperange. This newly created space under the bridge allows an intensive examination of the river area and the landscape.

Giant floral motifs of the native river flora, disguise the abutments of the bridge. They are backlit and serve as path lighting. The location of the passerelle was strategically chosen. It connects two neighborhoods, which have historically always been separated, and enables a public space, in the form of a promenade, to be set up along the Alzette. In front of the church, at the extremely busy intersection, the traffic noise is mixed up with a waterplay, in which the omnipresent element of water is taken up. The water feature is fed with the roof water of the church.